Crowd Conversion Launches on Tuesday

If you haven’t heard Robert Grant before you are missing out.  His fun UK accent works well for him and of course you know that God made some heads perfect and the rest he covered with hair – Well Roberts is balder than mine 🙂

I will tell you that if you are anything like me – then you will be skeptical right away of his demeanor.  His dramatization is over the top.  I have to laugh when I write this because I am listening to his first video all over again so I can get a couple more things form it – and he is a little dramatic – but get around that – you will be glad you did.

So anyway – I spent two and a half hours listening to his latest promotional for his upcoming launch of Crowd Conversion 3.0.  I have to say he really gives away quite a bit in the presentation in order to show you what he has got to offer behind closed doors.

An example of one of his giveaways is a cool plugin for the Facebook comments tool.  Look down in this post and you will see it there. I implemented it right away.  You should too.

Consider some of these facts:

  • There are 1.6 BILLION active users on the Internet
  • A whopping 20% of theses users are on Facebook
  • This means Facebook is the biggest social medial platform in the world
  • 80% of all businesses, including companies like Visa, Hewlett Packard and Cisco are now using Social Media to market themselves
  • A recent survey by Forrester indicated the majority of global companies are INCREASING their social media presence in 2010. This is a firestorm of opportunity for small businesses to take advantage of.

Now – look at how Facebook has made it even EASIER for everyone to really hit it home in 2011…

  • Fan pages are now “Like” pages, the quickest and easiest way to build a self-perpetuating viral online presence ever.
  • Facebook status updates and comments are now searchable in via Google and other major search engines… which means your Like page can get SEO respect even beyond the FB traffic bonanza!

Did you know that Facebook has a page rank of 10?  Did you know that Facebook is now serving up more search results than Google?

Crowd Conversion is all about leveraging Facebook in your business – big or small.  So go check them out.  You can even check out a testimonial below..

Anyway – enough said – go spend some time yourself and take a look.  If you are promoting your business and you are NOT on Facebook – get moving and especially don’t let this pass you by.  Go Get Crowd Conversion.  If you are using Facebook as a part of your marketing strategy – I’d bet you are doing it backwards.

God Bless and Give with Passion,


Next, look at how Facebook has made it even EASIER for everyone to cash in…

Fan pages are now “Like” pages, the quickest and easiest way to build a self-perpetuating viral online presence ever!
Facebook status updates and comments are now searchable in via Google and other major search engines… which means your Like page can get SEO respect even beyond the FB traffic bonanza!