I Covet Your Prayers

I have a simple request from you all – I need your prayers in two areas of my life.  As you know I have been working on hiding His word in my heart.  This last verse – Galatians 2:20 has been a stumbling block for whatever reason.   I can’t get past the reference.  I learned this verse over 20 years ago and for some reason can’t do it this time.  Sp I covet your prayers in this next battle of spiritual warfare.

The second is just as much a battle for me and has been for some time.  The last verse in our memorization track with was Romans 12:1

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

Since memorizing it I have had it come to mind over and over again.  Last night while watching a Beth Moore study on Believing in God – she ended her whole series on this very pointed verse and I felt the Lord pointing his finger in my 40 ” belly and wiggling it around a bit and saying “Did you hear Me?  I said – Your Bodies as a LIVING SACRIFICE.  This dos not look holy, acceptable to ME.”

Then tonight in our annual church business meeting we talked about the aim for 2011 and it was Obedience.  Can you guess what verse was on the very last slide?  Yup! Romans 12:1.

Ok Lord – I get it – take care of myself and take care of Your temple.

So my request is this – that the Lord would encourage and strengthen me as I work to repair this temple – and that He would give me wisdom in HOW to go about it.  I think I will sign up again for Ginny Edwards’ Thin for Him mini course and see where I go from there.

Thanks for your prayers – they are appreciated for sure.  Remember God Loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you on a tree.  Don’t squander what He gave you.

Be Blessed and Give with Passion!
