Max On Life – A Book Review

This last week I was looking through another book I was sent from Booksneeze – Max Lucado’s “Max On Life”.  It was – ok.

I was not overly impressed simply because it was just a book of letters.  It seemed to me it would be a devotional of some kind – but it had only a handful of topics.

The topics were:








Then n each of those topics was a collection of letters that Max wrote to people who had asked those types of questions.  Each letter was it’s own page.  Anyway – the questions were in no seeming order besides the main topics and it was just not a book I was really interested in getting through.  It is certainly not a book you pick up and read.  It is more a reference book.

There are many bout there will answer the question “If I had this issue – what would the bible say?”  and this is another one of those – but a little washed down with – “what would Max say the bible would say?”

Please know that I am a fan of Max’s children’s stories and other things of his – but this book just didn’t suit me.  I hope it can suit others.

God Bless and Give with Passion



-The fine print: I got this book for free as I do a the others in the reviews section – in exchange for my truthful opinion of it.  And yes – the links to the book from this page are my affiliate links – but you could havefigured that out by mousing over them.