Selah – Hope of a Broken World

I got another album from Buzz Bloggers to review – Selah – Hope of a Broken World You can get it at Amazon of course.

Anyway I really like this one. There is a variety of tempo but from what my wife tells me, it is mostly their existing style. There is a bit of ‘almost hymn-like’ and even a rock/blues mix in one of the songs. That is the style. The purpose of the music – is the gospel and I think it preaches that very well. Having no listened to the group before I can’t compare tis album to past albums – but I will say they are now in my iTunes library to stay.

I like how they sing together and well – it is just pleasing to the ear. There are one or two songs that I will take out of my library b/c it is just not my style but that is me. I think overall most people will enjoy the whole album.

I really like “On the Mountain” It has a GREAT message and is sung very well. Not much really to write today – just know that you won’t be disappointed if you like traditional music, if you like a little country or southern flair :), but probably not if you are just into rock – or not being able to hear/understand the words. This album is about preaching Christ – and it does!

God Bless and Give with Passion!
